BronchandNTM360social welcomes new member DrBCalifornia who joins 4,388 current members of our community. Weโ€™re glad you're here!

Alyssa Dittner

Alyssa DittnerEncourage your health care provider to join the Bronchiectasis and NTM Care Center Network

Tell your pulmonologist and infectious disease specialist about the Bronchiectasis and NTM Care Center Network today!

Care Center Network centers provide high-quality, specialized care for patients with bronchiectasis and NTM lung disease to reduce the time it takes to get a diagnosis and help you access the expert care you need.

Please share this information with your care team and help us make sure everyone has access to the best possible care. Applications are open March 17 through June 1!

5 days ago

Alyssa Dittner

Alyssa DittnerHelp Us Understand the Impact of Bronchiectasis!

Your experiences matter, and we want to hear from you!

Participate in a brief, anonymous survey to help us better understand how this chronic lung disease affects your daily life, well-being, and relationships.

โ€ข Takes just 10-15 minutes to complete
โ€ข Participants must be 18+ years of age and either have bronchiectasis or be a caregiver to someone with bronchiectasis

Your voice is important in shaping future support and awareness for those living with bronchiectasis. Thank you for helping make a difference!

5 days ago



Greetings - Bronchiectasis pulmonologist and research advocate. Excited to join this community

1 hour ago

Jonnie Korinko (COPDF Manager of Public and Professional Education)

Jonnie Korinko (COPDF Manager of Public and Professional Education)answered the question Engage Explore Connect: Airway Clearance Word Search

Thank you for posting, Alyssa! This was fun!

1 hour ago



Happy Sunday!  I am about 2 months into my antibiotic treatment.  I am beginning to feel a little more like myself again!  I am lucky that side effects are very tolerable.  But, unlike many, I am unable to get a sputum sample.  My cough is dry and nonproductive.  Any one else have this?  How did you get your sputum samples.

21 hours ago

  • NewestOldest
  • Ksmiles123Hello Paula,

    I am so glad that you are starting to feel โ€œ like yourself โ€œ again. I can relate to that feeling.
    Have you tried nebulized saline to assist you in getting a sputum sample? You can discuss this option with your doctor, ask him / her for a prescription. 19 hours ago
  • ChristinaHGreat idea Katie! Paula, many times those with both conditions don't have as much sputum production. I would run Katie's idea past your doc. Also, the best time to get that sample is typically in the morning. Leave the sample cup on your bedside table so that first thing in the morning, you can attempt to cough up a sample. 3 hours ago


Hello! The month of March consists of major fluctuations in weather conditions. The article below reviews how the different seasons affect individuals with respiratory conditions:

1 day ago

Alyssa Dittner

Alyssa Dittner

Have a great Saturday!

One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure. -William Feather

2 days ago



Do people clean their night guards nightly ? Dentist. Said not necessary , but Iโ€™m afraid not to do it daily because of bronchiecstasis. I use a product called duraclean 2 , specifically made for night guards .

3 days ago


JennyJMHappy Spring Equinox everyone! Living in Western PA I was over the moon to enjoy warm 60 degree day yesterday and so was my golden retriever (Junie) who was happy to run around our yard in the much needed sunshine! She wishes everyone a happy spring and more sunshiny days ahead. ๐Ÿ˜Š

3 days ago


Ksmiles123Hello! Spring has finally sprung. Enjoy this special time of year. Hopefully, you can get out and about more, get some exercise and natural Vitamin D. 

4 days ago



It's allergy season. Do allergies affect bronchiectasis? 

4 days ago



Hello! Today is National Letโ€™s Laugh Day! Humor is known to be one of the best medicines. We must find a sense of humor to cope with living with a chronic illness.Do you have something to share with the group that will make us laugh?Thank you in advance for considering to share an upbeat message.

5 days ago



I currently have staph 1 in my sputum sample. Is it ok to use a night guard with retainer cleaners when a bug has been found in your sputum ? My pulmo is not treating me with an antibiotic for this small amount of staph.

5 days ago



Has anyone here tried ensifentrine ? 

5 days ago

Ann P

Ann P

With this diagnosis of Bronch and NTM MAC I am overwhelmed and stressed.  This scares me. 

5 days ago

  • NewestOldestClick to View All Comments6 comment(s)
  • Alyssa DittnerWelcome, Ann! Knowledge is power, and you're in the right place. Feel free to follow our podcast and submit any questions you have. We meet with providers frequently and can help answer your questions. days ago
  • JennyJMHi Ann, I am sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed about your diagnosis. Just know that you have so much support behind you and you have come to the best place. Please take advantage of not only the podcasts, education materials, and other resources but with the monthly coffee breaks as well. The coffee breaks are a great way to connect with others with similar feelings where you can get answers, support, advice, and encouragement. I hope you are able to find some comfort in knowing there's a community behind you to help you through all the good and bad feelings that come with your diagnosis. Sending all the good vibes your way! You got this!!!5 days ago
  • das23Welcome Ann P......The others have given you great advice. We're all here to support each other. Glad you found us. Take advantage of all the support offered here. It can be a big help toward relieving much of that stress๐Ÿ‘4 days ago
Alyssa Dittner

Alyssa Dittner

๐Ÿ‘We are thrilled to announce the website transition to the Bronchiectasis and NTM Association is officially underway. Our website is currently undergoing an exciting revision featuring a fresh new look with our updated color scheme! We can't wait to share this journey with you and are excited about what the future holds. Be sure to check back often to see our progress. Thank you for your continued support!

6 days ago

Wendy M

Wendy M


6 days ago



Im ok.  Just trying to learn more about this.  

6 days ago

Dee Dee

Dee Dee

Has anyone tried acupuncture to strengthen the lungs?

6 days ago


Ksmiles123answered the question Hello! What type of airway clearance device are currently using?

I agree that the acapella is very easy to clean.
Alyssa Dittner also answered the question Alyssa Dittner also answered the question

6 days ago


marsrocketA recent massive study involving over 165,000 people diagnosed with bronchiectasis showed that moderate or vigorous exercise at least once weekly reduced all-cause mortality. Get moving!

1 week ago

  • Ksmiles123Yes, we all must push ourselves to get moving. Exercise 3-5x a week is recommended but it is great that the results show decreased mortality in even exercising one a week. 
    Tis almost spring- time to get up and out,( when we are able to do so). ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ€6 days ago

Ksmiles123Happy Saint Patrickโ€™s day to all who celebrate this holiday. May the luck ๐Ÿ€ of the Irish be with you today. ๐Ÿ’š

1 week ago


Ksmiles123Advocating for Access to Virtual Pulmonary Rehabilitation During IMPACT Lung Health 2025

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it became difficult for many people to access traditional medical care in clinics. To help, Congress made special rules allowing some services, like pulmonary rehabilitation, to be offered through virtual telehealth.
Unfortunately when the Public Health Emergency ended, Medicare beneficiaries lost access to these virtual services.

As a part of IMPACT Lung Health 2025, COPD Foundation staff and advocates went to Capitol Hill to meet with members of Congress. They shared their stories and experiences about why virtual pulmonary rehab is so important. Many people live in rural areas or places without in-person pulmonary rehab programs. Making sure people can access pulmonary rehabilitation through virtual telehealth will help more people living with chronic lung disease get the care they need to live longer, healthier lives.

๐Ÿ“ข YOUR VOICES make the greatest impact:
We encourage everyone to contact your representatives now to share your support for H.R. 783/S. 248! You can use our message center to send your message at

1 week ago



Pulmonary rehab can be a game changer for many people. Have you been enrolled in a pulmonary rehab program? Would you like to share your experience with the community? 

1 week ago



Are you interested in pulmonary rehab? How can you enroll in pulmonary rehab? 1. Find a program. 2. Talk to your health care team. 3. Seek a referral 4. Connect with insurance 5. Self-advocate. 
Join the COPD Foundation to celebrate #PulmonaryRehabWeek! Share information with your network about this often underutilized therapy for those affected by chronic lung conditions.

1 week ago



I enjoyed yesterday's coffee meeting - it was most informative. Thank you, Niamh

1 week ago


marsrocketSpring is almost here. 

1 week ago


Ksmiles123Hello! The link below is a podcast featuring Christina Hunt, senior director of bronchiectasis and NTM education and care delivery, and Alyssa Dittner, assistant director of bronchiectasis and NTM education and community, in honor of Pulmonary Rehab Week. They share their insights into pulmonary rehab and discuss how a well-rounded exercise program, education, and social support are vital in achieving personal health goals.

1 week ago



Iโ€™m excited to find this group to share information and learn from each other. Has anyone tried herbal therapies to treat NTM and/or assist in lung repair?

1 week ago

Medical Advice

It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. While we encourage individuals to share their personal experiences with bronchiectasis and NTM, please consult a physician before making changes to your own disease management plan.

NTM Infographic 1

NTM Infographic 2

NTM Infographic 3

NTM Infographic 4