Lend Your Voice to Raising Supplemental Oxygen Awareness
Posted on August 02, 2018 |
Mary Kitlowski, a member of BronchandNTM360social and COPD360social is in search of individuals who use supplemental oxygen (or a friend or family member who does) to share their stories. In childhood Mary was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) and later Bronchiectasis. She’s always had a passion for running and created an organization called Running on Air http://www.runningonair.net/virtual-racesthat seeks to advance awareness of lung diseases and other rare illnesses, to raise funds for organizations that seek to raise the same awareness and to inspire anyone who suffers with a disability to continue to exercise and live a healthy existence no matter the condition.
For much of the month of August, Mary hopes to share a story a day about individuals who use supplemental oxygen. She also plans to create a supplemental oxygen fact sheet. If you or someone you know would like to share your story and lend your voice to raising awareness on supplemental oxygen, please send your story and photo(s) to: Mary.RunningOnAir@verizon.net by August 10, 2018.The stories and photos will be highlighted on Running on Air’s Facebook page.
The story should include:
- 1-3 paragraphs
- Why is the individual on oxygen?
- What has changed due to the supplemental oxygen?
- Have any obstacles been overcome due to the oxygen therapy?
- Since beginning supplemental oxygen, what can the individual no longer do?
- Anything else that may be relevant to the story
- A photo with the supplemental oxygen, if possible
Thank you for considering a contribution to this important endeavor. An unknown author said, “One voice can make a difference. A million can change the world.” We have to begin somewhere.
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