World Bronchiectasis Day - Education

World Bronchiectasis Education

Join the COPD Foundation and numerous other global lung health organizations as we champion World Bronchiectasis Day, July 1st. World Bronchiectasis Day is an annual event established to raise awareness and action for those affected by the disease worldwide.

Read on to discover World Bronchiectasis Day education and what you need to know to help educate others about bronchiectasis.

Faces of Bronchiectasis | Living with Bronchiectasis

Faces of Bronchiectasis | Living with Bronchiectasis

In this video, people with bronchiectasis from around the world talk about their bronchiectasis diagnosis journey. Learn the symptoms they experienced, how they were diagnosed, and how having bronchiectasis impacts their lives.

World Bronchiectasis Day Virtual Patient Roundtable Discussion

World Bronchiectasis Day Virtual Patient Roundtable Discussion

Virtual bronchiectasis patient round table discussion with participants from the USA, United Kingdom, and Portugal. Topics such as the management of bronchiectasis, airway clearance, and the impact of bronchiectasis on the daily lives of those that have it are covered.

Basics of Bronchiectasis Information Sheet

Bronchiectasis Fact Sheet

Basics of Bronchiectasis - English


気管支拡張症とは? - Japanese


لق إضافي أدواع المل يمكنك المحتويات وات- Arabic


Grundlagen der Bronchiektasie - German


Los Fundamentos Basicos de la Bronquiectasias - Spanish


Bronquiectasias: Aspetos Básicos - Portuguese


Nozioni base sulla bronchiectasia - Italian


Bronchectasie 101 - French


世界支气管扩张症 - Traditional Chinese


浅谈支气管扩张症 - Simple Chinese


Treatment of Bronchiectasis Information Sheet

Bronchiectasis Treatment Fact Sheet

Treatment of Bronchiectasis - English


Tratamiento de las bronquiectasias - Spanish


Tratamiento de las bronquiectasias - Portuguese


気管支拡張症の治療 - Japanese


Trattamento delle Bronchiectasie - Italian


支氣管擴張症的治療 - Traditional Chinese


支氣管擴張症的治療 - Simple Chinese


Research and Clinical Trials Information Sheet

Research and Clinical Trials Fact Sheet

Research and Clinical Trials - English


Investigación y Ensayos Clínicos - Spanish


研究および臨床試験 - Japanese


FAQs About Bronchiectasis

Q. What Are the Symptoms of Bronchiectasis?

The main symptom of bronchiectasis is a cough with varying mucus production. Many people have symptoms for months, even years, before getting diagnosed.

Other symptoms include:

  • Breathlessness
  • Repeat chest infections
  • Increased tiredness
  • Unexplained fever, chills, sweat, and weight loss
  • Chest pain

Q. How is it Diagnosed?

An X-ray is the most common test to diagnose or confirm bronchiectasis. One common type of X-ray test is a computed tomography (CT) scan of your chest, which shows a detailed picture of your lungs.

Another standard test is the pulmonary function test (PFT).

Q. What You Can Do About It

If you suspect you have bronchiectasis or have symptoms, see your health care provider for testing. Download your free copy of the All About Bronchiectasis for information about living with bronchiectasis.

For more frequently asked questions on bronchiectasis visit the Bronchiectasis FAQs page.