I started using the Aerobika at the start of 2025. After using it every day for about a week, I coughed out much more than two teaspoons of bright red blood (not mucus streaked with blood). This incident was late in the evening and I had used the Aerobika in the morning.
After this, I stopped using the Aerobika for a few days. I was advised to lower the resistance and avoid coughing with too much force. When I tried it a few days later with these adjustments, I coughed a little bit of fresh blood. I took a week hiatus and the same happened. I took another, 3 week hiatus and when I tried the Aerobika again, I coughed out a concerning amount of blood while using it.
I have bronchiectasis and a mycobacterium avium complex infection. I will discontinue the Aerobika. I almost never eject sputum, despite trying aerobic exercise, the Aerobika and active cycle of breathing. My pulmonologist suggested sticking to just aerobic exercise for airway clearance and said if I want, I can try nebulizing with 3% hypertonic saline. Given how many times I have coughed out blood, I'm afraid nebulizing with 3% HT saline will cause my lungs to bleed. I worry about the damaging effects of each lung bleed. On the other hand, I pretty much never cough out mucus and I am afraid what will happen if nothing gets cleared from my airways. Has anyone coughed blood while or after nebulizing with 3% hypertonic saline? For those who have recurring hemoptysis, what do you do for airway clearance?